Monday, October 22, 2012

Latest Project!

I've just finished up revising and polishing a new project (thus my woefully pathetic internet presence), and it's off to the copy editor and proofer. I'm going to reveal the cover on Friday, so stay tuned, people!

What makes me crazy excited about the project, is that I'm doing it myself. That's right. You heard me. Myself. It'll be my first self pub title. *dances* And it's a story I absolutely LOVE. So, you ready for the title?


The Fire Breathers have come. The Underworld calls. A choice must be made…

With her feared half blood and flame-colored hair, DEIRA D'ANU is a constant reminder of human betrayal and the war that claimed the light from Innis Fail. Now, darkness and frost creep across the land, strengthening the Lord of the Underworld. War is imminent—an allegiance with the Fire Breathers is vital. When their champion, Balen, sees Deira, he believes she is the key to finding the light and stopping the dark frost....

But the Underworld calls to Deira, tempting her to turn her back on a world that never cared and betray the champion willing to sacrifice everything to keep her safe and save his world from darkness.
The book is Adult Fantasy. Heroine driven. Inspired by Irish mythology. It's a quest/self discovery type of story that also includes a romantic/sensual storyline. It is not YA or a Happily Ever After romance.  

I will be releasing the book in all ebook formats in mid November. A print version will follow in early Jan. 2013.